"Feeling unique is a habit you shouldn't give up."

- Alberto Fermani

"Anyone can get all dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their off days that is the most intriguing."

-Alexander Wang


No Shopping for a YEAR!

As a personal shopper, the idea of not shopping for a year is actually distasteful to me. And, before I tell you why I've decided to try it, I want to encourage you to continue to support our local boutiques by purchasing from them. But as many of you know, I have a bit of a shopping "problem." In an effort to challenge myself creatively, I am going to refrain from purchasing new items for 365 days. This includes clothing, jewelry, and shoes and also makeup that I don't need (if I run out of a basic like mascara, I can still get that.)

I have a closet full of clothes and shoes. Actually, I have a closet full AND an upstairs room full. So the idea of need vs. want is really ridiculous in my situation. My hope is that I have to really think outside the box when getting dressed to keep things unique and interesting while using the same pieces for the next year. I've already purchased some things for spring/summer but, going forward, there will be nothing else.

I thought about keeping this a secret from you so that, if I fail, no one would be the wiser. But I'm hoping that by putting it out there, I'll be more inclined to stay strict. I'll still be blogging and tweeting about current trends and cute outfits but now I'll have to figure out how to make those trends work with what I already own. Wish me luck.

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