I'm finally home from vacation and, while it was wonderful, it is always good to be back. Spending the past 12 or so days at the beach in North Carolina is my idea of a perfect vacation but where I was is SO casual that it is very easy to get lazy about how I'm dressing. But now that I'm back, I'm feeling motivated again and thinking of Fall and getting really excited. Let me not jump the gun. Summer is far from over and I have had a few thoughts.
I understand it is hard to put together a great outfit when it is 97 degrees outside. You need light clothing, not a lot of it, colors that won't show sweat, shoes that will accommodate swollen feet, accessories that won't make you hotter than you already are, et cetera, et cetera. But I can't help but notice the TOTAL INappropriateness of so many people this time of year. I guess without a coat to cover up your mistakes, it's just a lot more in our face. Like today. I'm at a kid's 4th of July picnic at a school field and playground. It is HOT. There's a dunking booth, a bike parade, snow cones and cotton candy, moon bounce. And then there's a woman in very short denim cutoffs, a blousy navy and white stripe tee, jeweled flats, and layers of crystal and pearl necklaces. Overall, not a bad outfit. But WEIRD for where we were. And another woman in tight skinny jeans (she must have been having heat stroke), an ivory silk heavily ruffled fitted top, and heels. Huh? The women in their workout clothes looked more appropriate than these two. Later, I'm in DC at the mall and the Folk Life Festival is going on. I saw some bad stuff. But the worst was a 20-something woman in a mini skirt, sequin tank, short sleeve jacket, and huge sequined flower headband worn flapper-style. Again, so WEIRD for where we were.
So, after all this negative information, here's the positive. The perfectly dressed woman for the day. This would have even worked for the school event although, really, shorts and a tank was just fine for that. She had on a dress that hit just at the top of the knee, sleeveless and fuller at the top and softly fitted at the bottom. It was a dark tannish color and was belted with an easy black belt (in a fabric, not leather). She had on nude espadrilles with the tiniest bit of a wedge and a loose fitting, brightly colored bangle. Her hair was pulled back in a casual ponytail and she had tied a wide, short scarf as a headband. Finally, a slouchy bag and a big pair of sunglasses. She looked totally cool and totally appropriate on this steamy hot day. I'll definitely be keeping her in mind as the summer goes on. Here's a version almost as cool as hers.