the dresser and chair- maybe I won't recover it!
Jolly Rodger!
John Robshaw comforter and vintage suzani
Remember that master bedroom makeover I was going on about a while back? Well, it's in full effect and boy has it ripped my house apart. Just one week before Christmas, there are five rooms in shambles thanks to my great timing. But it's coming together and you need an update.
Office- Giant built-in desk and cabinets ripped out and currently residing on patio in back. Sure the neighbors love that. Should be hauled away tomorrow. Room has been painted a medium gray (same as my kitchen) that I love and woodwork has been painted high gloss white that I love. The Elfa closet system that previously occupied one entire wall in my bedroom has been installed in the office and my off-season clothes, shoes, and all cocktail and dressy attire has been moved. But not totally organized. Gorgeous lucite computer desk has been ordered. Need floor covering, curtain and installation to hide clothing, and file cabinet plus total closet clean out and reorganization with office "stuff" now filling the guest room.
Bedroom- Wall repainted, new white bed with SIX big storage drawers along bottom in place! Moroccan bone-inlaid dresser arrived (with small damage that needs repair:)). My fave gray and white cowhide rug might not fit properly but it will go to office if necessary.
The best part- I found this gorgeous John Robshaw comforter and shams at Red Barn Mercantile and it was on sale! It is perfect for it's bright red color, great pattern, and the way it sets off the vintage suzani. It looks so good!
So much to do still. It sounds like it's almost done but I won't bore you with the details of why it's not. Instead, we'll focus on how much I love Red Barn and why you should pop in and check them out. As a gift giving place, they rule. But the linens and things are so good, too. My jolly rodger pillow was the perfect unexpected touch to add to the bed. That's the thing about the store- you never know what treasure you're going to find!
The bed turned out beautifully! Love the black on the red and the Jolly Roger gives it a little something special. Well done!