I think the hardest days to motivate fashion-wise- even style-wise, really- are the days when I'm home with nothing to do. School was cancelled today due to ice and, while me and the kiddos made it to the gym for a fast run and an even faster Zumba class, I doubt I'll venture out again. Hence my jeans and oatmeal colored thermal. I did shower which should count for something. And I did put on some pretty turquoise earrings to try and offset my "oatmeal-ness." But, since I have on slippers and have no plans to take them off until bedtime, I fear this is as good as it gets. What is worse than this lack of motivation, though, are the days when I finish my workout, take a shower, and put on something casual but pulled together, head off to pick up my daughter from preschool, get home and realize that this was the extent of my public social contact for the day. Since I don't even take my coat off when I go into her school, it can all feel like a bit of a waste. I guess what is important to remember is that if I never made the effort on the days when I wasn't working or running errands, I would spend a good portion of my life in sweats and slippers. For my own sanity, I think I should keep on trying.
This beautiful picture of me in my oatmeal ensemble was taken by budding fashion photographer, Pearl Martin. A self-portrait precedes it.
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